Fees – Explained

In the majority of cases, you will need a full one hour assessment. This will cost you £360.00 which is payable in advance. This cost will include a written opinion or assessment letter and/or a suggested treatment plan and a formal diagnosis where indicated.

There may be additional fees payable after the assessment, for which you will receive an invoice: for example, for the costs for prescribing medication agreed between you and the psychiatrist at the time of assessment.

You could also be charged by the minute, for any extra time spent in the consultation if the meeting runs over one hour, or where communications with you or reviewing notes etc. exceeds what is deemed reasonable, but this is at the discretion of the clinician.

NHS Funding

You should, in theory, be able to exercise your Right to Choose to have an appointment with us as we are a CQC registered provider of services to the NHS.

Current guidelines state that patients are able to choose any clinically appropriate provider in England as long as an Integrated Care Board (ICB) or NHS England has a contract with them. Psychiatry-UK now has contracts to provide NHS-funded Adult ADHD assessments and treatment in England. Read more about patients choice in mental healthcare here.

Find out more about getting funding through Right To Choose here.

Standard Fees

1 hour online assessment with Consultant Psychiatrist (includes full initial assessment, opinion, recommendations, suggested treatment plan and report)£360.00*
Travel Support Letter£20.00
Each minute of online consultation time after first hour£6.00
Each minute of additional time spent communicating with you/reviewing notes etc beyond what is deemed reasonable (this is at the discretion of the clinician)£6.00
Private Prescription (A follow up appointment will be necessary after 6 weeks)
(You will also be asked to pay for the cost of the medication at your local pharmacy)
Perinatal Consultation (minimum fee)£360.00*
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Consultation (minimum fee)++£360.00*
30 minute follow up appointment if indicated at the time of assessment (Inclusive of letter to GP)£180.00
Mandatory Follow Up Meeting (carried out online) following prescription of medication by a Psychiatry-UK Consultant or after completion of titration if the treatment is ADHD. This cost is inclusive of shared care agreement letter to GP.£180.00
Email progress reports to/from Consultant after full assessmentFREE

ADHD Fees (Adult)

Diagnostic Assessment and Report

Fee Includes online assessment, diagnosis, and written report

Medication, titration and a mandatory follow up appointment in 4-12 weeks is not included
Monthly Titration Fee

This covers the costs of managing the patient's titration (What is titration?)
Private prescription for ADHD medication (approx every month)

(You will also be asked to pay for the cost of the medication at your local pharmacy)
Private prescription for any non-ADHD medication.

(You will also be asked to pay for the cost of the medication at your local pharmacy)
Follow Up Appointment£180.00
Travel Letter - Standard£20.00
Travel Letter - Detailed£50.00
Support for University Letter - StandardFree
Support for University Letter - Detailed£20.00
Support for University Letter - Advanced£50.00
Support for Employment Letter - StandardFree
Support for Employment Letter - Detailed£20.00
Support for Employment Letter - Advanced£50.00

Child And Adolescent Fees

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fees
Stage 1A & 1B
(2 hours' consultation time and 1 hour of document analysis)
ADOS assessment£800.00
Follow-up appointment - 30 minutes£180.00
ADHD appointment - 90 minutes (includes reading screening tools, liaison with school, clinical interview, writing report but no discussion re medication, if indicated).£700.00***
Initial Discussion appointment – 90 minutes (includes reading screening tools, clinical interview, writing report but no discussion re. medication, if indicated).£540.00
Follow up appointment - 30 minutes£180.00
Follow up appointment - 60 minutes£360.00
Additional minutes£6.00 per minute
Monthly Titration Fee

This covers the costs of managing the patient's titration (What is titration?)

You can read more about the treatment of children here.

Autism Spectrum Condition Fees (Adult)

Initial assessment: £720 (1 hour consultation time and 1 hour of document analysis). Report: £180.£900.00
Additional Consultation time£6.00 per minute
Follow up Appointment£180.00

* Although we will aim to complete your assessment in the initial one hour appointment, sometimes it will take longer to allow a full exploration of your symptoms and history in order to make an accurate diagnosis.  You can help the consultant by completing all paperwork and questionnaires that you are sent in advance, and by being clear what questions you want to be answered during the appointment. Additional time spent with the psychiatrist is charged at £180 for every further 30 minutes or £6 per minute as outlined in the charges above. Similarly, you may be charged by the minute, for any extra time where communications with you or reviewing notes etc. exceeds what is deemed reasonable, but this is at the discretion of the clinician.

** Most adults become stable on treatment within 4-8 weeks.  If a change of medication is needed due to side effects or it not being clinically effective then the titration process can take up to 12 weeks.  Children are more likely to take 3 months on average to complete titration. (What is titration?)

*** Although we will aim to complete your assessment in the initial 90 minute appointment, sometimes it will take longer to allow a full exploration of your symptoms and history in order to make an accurate diagnosis.  You can help the consultant by completing all paperwork and questionnaires that you are sent in advance, and by being clear what questions you want to be answered during the appointment. Additional time spent with the psychiatrist is charged at £180 for every further 30 minutes or £6 per minute as outlined in the charges above. Similarly, you may be charged by the minute, for any extra time where communications with you or reviewing notes etc. exceeds what is deemed reasonable, but this is at the discretion of the clinician.

++ Minimum fee required as a deposit for Perinatal and Alcohol/Substance misuse consultations.

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