Our autism assessments are undertaken with a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Approach, which takes place in three stages:
- An assessment with a Child and Adolescent Consultant Psychiatrist
- An ADOS assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist or Clinical Psychologist
- Final assessment with a Child and Adolescent Consultant Psychiatrist
During the pre-assessment information gathering process, we request information from the patient, their parent/guardian, and their school (e.g. teacher, SENDCo tutor). This will be reviewed by a Consultant Psychiatrist before the first stage of the assessment takes place.
Please note: All three stages are required to complete the assessment process.
Stage 1A and 1B
This is a 2-hour assessment for parent(s) and your child/young person over secure video link, which explores the child/young person’s history, strengths and difficulties and possible ASD features/behaviours. Questionnaires and background information will be requested from parents and school where applicable.
Stage 2
The Stage 2 assessment involves ADOS assessment with a specialist Speech and Language Therapist or Clinical Psychologist, depending on your child’s age. An assessment report is then shared with your Consultant in advance of Stage 3.
Stage 3
This is a 30-minute feedback appointment with parents and/or child/young person, where applicable. Your Consultant will discuss the outcome of the assessment and any recommendations. A diagnostic report will be produced (which combines reports from Stage 1a &b and Stage 2).
To check our fees, please visit: Fees – Psychiatry-UK
Depending on your child’s age, we may ask you to travel for Stage 2 of the assessment process for an in-person appointment. For a quick eligibility check if your child would be suitable for an ASD assessment, please “Chat with us Live”.