Psychiatry-UK – Terms and Conditions

Last Update: 01/06/2024

  1. Overview
  2. Services provided
  3. What we need from you
  4. How our services are regulated
  5. Using our services for children
  6. Accessing our services
  7. Right to Choose
  8. Delivery of Services
  9. Prescribing medicines
  10. Delivery of prescriptions
  11. Delivery by email
  12. Delivery by first class post
  13. Electronic medical records (EMR)
  14. Consultations
  15. Late arrival to appointment, cancellation of appointment and missed appointment
  16. Refunds and Disruptions
  17. Circumstances beyond our control
  18. Other limitations to our services
  19. Our use of your personal information
  20. Recordings of consultations
  21. Price and payment
  22. Complaints and Disputes
  23. Notices and Disclaimers
  24. Service Reliability and Warranties
  25. Branding and creative material
  26. No third party rights
  27. Other terms
  28. Applicable law
  29. Severability
  30. Waiver

1 Overview

Psychiatry UK’s mission is to make access to mental health treatment easier and more effective for everyone. When you use our services, you commission the services of our members and associates, all of whom are consultant psychiatrists listed on the specialist register at the General Medical Council (the “GMC”) which is the medical regulatory authority in the UK.

‘Psychiatry UK’ is the operating brand of Psychiatry-UK LLP and Psych-UK Limited.   

Psychiatry-UK LLP is registered with the UK’s Care Quality Commission (“CQC”), which is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.

By using Psychiatry UK, including this website (, any digital applications, software (including but not limited to video consultations, access to your online medical record and electronic communications system) (together, the “P-UK Platform”), you accept these terms and conditions in full, along with all other policies and procedures that may be published by Psychiatry UK on the P-UK Platform or otherwise communicated to you by Psychiatry UK (the “Terms & Conditions”).

There are some limitations on our obligations which are set out in these terms. The most important of these are:

  • We provide remote mental health advice, consultations and information services. Some instances are not suitable for such treatment, so if you have any doubts, be sure to check by giving us a call or by reading up on our website before you book an appointment.
  • In order to provide our services we will need personal information from you. We will store that information securely and we will not share it with anyone unless you authorise us to do so, or if we have a legal obligation to do (e.g. serious concerns of significant risk to you or others).
  • We provide a secondary care service, and we emphasise linking back to your local primary care services, both for your safety, and for our peace of mind (in most cases, this is to your General Practitioner or a medical facility local to where you are based). We can provide the services to those who have good reason not to share details of a local medical practitioner, but this is on a case-by-case basis.
  • We are based in the UK and subject to UK law so, though you may be somewhere else, your interaction with us is considered to be taking place in the UK. However, although we can see people from outside the UK in some circumstances, we cannot take responsibility for any laws outside the UK regarding access to our services. Some of our services are specifically designed for use in the UK and if you use them from elsewhere you should check in your country or region that it is within the law and appropriate for you to do so.

These terms may have to be changed or amended from time to time. Please make sure that you have checked the terms and conditions when you start your treatment with us. These terms were last updated on: 01 June 2024.

Psychiatry UK enables individuals in the United Kingdom (“Patient/s”) to connect in real time, via streaming video, chat and instant messaging with participating psychiatrists (the “Clinicians”) via the P-UK Platform in order to gain qualified and professional medical advice and be provided with related services including referrals. If agreed with a Clinician Patients may also purchase private prescriptions for certain medication(s) (collectively the “Services” or a “Service”).

Psych-UK Limited is registered in England and Wales, Company number OC372755. Registered office and address for correspondence:

3b Fore Street,
PL32 9PG

Contact details: The quickest way to get in touch is via our Virtual Assistant service, which can be accessed via Psychiatry UK’s website, MedQare portal or Companion App.

Or you can contact us using our support telephone line: 0330 124 1980.

Our office hours are Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm.

You expressly understand, accept and agree that when providing the Services the Clinicians are independent medical professionals who are individually responsible for the medical advice they offer to you via the P-UK Platform.

By using the P-UK Platform you accept that the provision of Services by Psychiatry UK is a connective P-UK Platform that enables you to consult with Clinicians on either a private self-pay basis or via NHS funding. Psychiatry UK will automatically share your medical information with your NHS GP unless you opt out of this part of the Service. You will be presented with your options regarding medical record sharing before you start your first consultation on the P-UK Platform and the choice to share your medical records is entirely yours.

You understand that by booking an appointment an electronic medical record (“EMR”) will automatically be created on the P-UK Platform.

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2 Services provided

Services include:

  1. Standard general adult psychiatric services,
  2. Standard child and adolescent psychiatric services,
  3. Perinatal psychiatric services,
  4. Old age psychiatric services,
  5. Most addiction services,
  6. Some intellectual disability services,
  7. Some eating disorder services.

Some conditions are not suitable for online consultations. You should always seek advice from a medical practitioner in person if you are not sure that you are able to communicate your needs or issues during an online consultation.

The services are primarily provided in English but there may be Clinicians available who speak your preferred language. Contact us to find out more.

Psychiatry UK does not make any representation or give any warranties regarding Clinician training, qualifications or skill, although regulatory requirements and UK law ensure appropriate checks are carried out to ensure certain aspects of the Clinician validity, such as their registration with the GMC and their right to practise in the UK.

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3 What we need from you

You must ensure that:

  • any information you provide is accurate and in comprehensible English or in the language that it has been agreed that the consultation will take place;
  • if you have any concerns about the suitability of the Services we provide for you or any information on the website, you seek further medical advice from your GP or another medical professional;
  • you follow any instructions you are given by our Clinicians;
  • you follow any instructions regarding the use of any medicines or other health care products we recommend or prescribe (including in respect of use-by dates);
  • you report any adverse or unexpected effects of treatments that we have recommended to us;
  • you keep any medicines prescribed out of the reach of children and in a secure environment;
  • you inform us if any information that you have given to us becomes incomplete or false;
  • you do not under any circumstances amend, alter or tamper with the contents of any documents created on the patient system or issued to you.

The Services and consultations are conducted according to your specific needs. As such, please do not register multiple times for our services.

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4 How our Services are regulated

Accessing our services from outside the UK and Republic of Ireland

We provide the Services to adults and to children (in accordance with section 5).

Our services are provided from facilities in the UK in accordance with our registration with the Care Quality Commission in the UK.

In the instance that you are using our services from outside the UK, you should check that the use of our services is legally permitted in the country or region in which you are residing. Our services are provided according to UK laws and regulations and we cannot take any responsibility for any differences between the laws in the UK and any other rules about healthcare services anywhere other than the UK.

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5 Using our Services for children

Children using our Services must follow certain guidelines.

Child and adolescent psychiatric services are offered to children over the age of 7. They are conducted after an initial interview with the parents or legal guardians of the child. Follow up appointments are then arranged with the parents or guardians.

Consultations for those under 18 must be arranged by the parents or legal guardians.

We may suspend services or terminate user accounts if we reasonably suspect that they are being used in breach of the restrictions in this Section 5.

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6 Accessing our Services

In order to access the Services you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and possess the legal right, capacity and ability, on your own behalf to accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Our services are only available remotely using the internet, data networks and devices which can access the internet and operate via the P-UK Platform. We make the P-UK Platform available for access using infrastructure, but are not responsible for the infrastructure ourselves. If you wish to use the services, you should ensure you have an internet-enabled device and a sufficient internet connection available.

All clinical appointments take place via a video meeting via the P-UK Platform.

At any time you may be notified that information is available for your review that is considered private and possibly time-sensitive, so you should consider ease of access when determining which email address you use for your notifications and use of the patient system.

Required Operating Systems and Browsers:

  • Windows 7, 8, 10: Google Chrome (latest release version),  Firefox (latest release version)
  • Mac® OS X 10.8.5 and newer: Google Chrome (latest release version)
  • Android™ 5 and newer
  • Windows 10: Microsoft Edge (latest release version)
  • iOS: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch with a front facing camera and iOS 10 and newer

Required Internet connection speed:

To access the P-UK Platform you are required to have an active internet connection with 2mbps of available bandwidth for downloads; for the best quality connection we recommend a minimum of 3mbps available bandwidth.

You acknowledge that Psychiatry UK does not guarantee a connection can be made or maintained at any time. Technical or security threats, or issues affecting the infrastructure, may require us to suspend our services and postpone consultations in order to ensure they are secure and/or operating optimally. We will minimise these suspensions, but are not responsible to refund charges or compensate you if they occur, unless they exceed 30 days in length, in which event you may cancel your agreement to take a consultation with us and receive a full refund. Psychiatry UK may deny or refuse you access to the P-UK Platform; suspend, change or update the P-UK Platform; prevent certain Clinicians from using the P-UK Platform; and/or otherwise alter the P-UK Platform it offers to customers from time to time, at its sole discretion, without notice, but at all times subject to Psychiatry UK’s legal obligations, which it takes very seriously, such as regarding the secure maintenance of medical records.

Your log-in details for the P-UK Platform are personal to you and you are solely responsible for maintaining their confidentiality, as you remain liable for all activity that occurs under your login for that account. You agree to prohibit anyone else from using your account and you agree to immediately notify Psychiatry UK of any actual or suspected unauthorised use of your account or any other security concerns, howsoever arising, upon your becoming aware of them. Unless and until you notify us of any suspicious activity or security concerns we will assume all actions taken linked to your account to be authorised by you.

It is recommended to use a secure network, Wi-Fi or VPN when accessing our services to reduce the risk of data theft with your personal data. Psychiatry UK is not responsible for any loss or data breaches when using an unsecured or public network to access the P-UK portal.

In order to determine your compliance with these Terms and Conditions we reserve the right to monitor your access to and use of the online P-UK Platform and the services. Psychiatry UK may, at its sole discretion, deny access to the P-UK Platform and/or refuse to provide services in the case of actual or suspected misuse of the P-UK Platform and/or services or for any actual, attempted or suspected non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to security concerns or potential infringement of intellectual property rights.

Psychiatry UK reserves the right to refuse access to the P-UK Platform to anyone, at its sole discretion, from time to time, whether or not the user has previously successfully registered, visited or used any services.

Our services are accessed remotely using the internet, data networks and devices which can access the internet and operate via our Website. We make our Website available for access using infrastructure, but are not responsible for the infrastructure ourselves. If you wish to use the services, you should ensure you have an internet-enabled device and a sufficient internet connection available.

Technical or security threats or issues affecting the infrastructure may require us to suspend our services and postpone consultations in order to ensure they are secure and/or operating optimally. We will minimise these suspensions, but are not responsible to refund charges or compensate you if they occur, unless they exceed 30 days in length, in which event you may cancel your agreement to take a consultation with us and receive a full refund.

Anti-virus software and anti-malware devices are in use on the website but we cannot guarantee that the website will be free from viruses or malicious software, so please ensure anti-virus and anti-malware software are in operation on any device with which you use to access our website

You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the services or Website.

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7 NHS Right to Choose

If you choose to access our services via the NHS Right to Choose, we will do our utmost to assist with this, but cannot guarantee your application will be successful. You accept that this is a process that you are responsible for accessing via your GP.

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8 Delivery of Services


The purchase of goods or services online usually comes with a statutory right for you to cancel your order within fourteen (14) days after the day on which the contract is entered into (“Cooling-Off Period”) without giving any reason.

When you make your first appointment with us (whether by phone or online) you have the choice to waive these rights. By booking an appointment that is less than 14 days from the date of booking, you acknowledge that you have waived your statutory right to cancel during the Cooling Off period. This is so we are able instantly to start providing the Services and/or secure time with a Clinician in advance to ensure their availability.

You agree that the provision of any Services is subject to your payment in full of any costs relating to consultation, administrative and/or delivery fees that you incur in relation to the services pursuant to Our Fees.

Any and all fees and charges, without exception, incurred at the time of booking are your responsibility as the account holder. (If there is any question with regard to who is responsible for the fees and charges incurred, Psychiatry UK will refer to the details provided at the time of booking and that individual shall have the legal responsibility for all fees and charges and no alternative position shall be acceptable to Psychiatry UK) and MUST be pre-authorised prior to you receiving any of the services, in whole or in part, whatsoever and settled immediately after the services have been provided, in whole or in part.

You agree that any unpaid balance due hereunder shall immediately become overdue and bear daily interest at the rate of 10% per annum above [bank]’s lending rate, and that costs of collection, including any Court costs and reasonable legal costs shall be added as principal amounts to such balance.

Psychiatry UK reserves the right to modify its fees and/or pricing structure at any time, at its sole discretion, and implement the new fees and/or price structure at any time prior to billing you for payments due pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. You understand that the P-UK Platform and / or services may not be provided or consultations ended or cancelled if your billing information is inaccurate, invalid, without funds (not in funds) or any pre-authorisation by us provides a negative response (as determined by Psychiatry UK).

You expressly grant Psychiatry UK licence to pre-authorise or charge any debit and/or credit cards in your account before enabling the provision of the services (including the confirmation of an appointment time and date that has been allocated to you) and you accept that failure of our pre-authorisation or authorisation processes by you is likely to result in the services not being provided to you.

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9 Prescribing medicines

Clinicians will not prescribe medicines unless it is, in their professional opinion, in the best interests of their patient (and they may not be able to prescribe some medicines on the basis of an online consultation, depending on the condition and your location).

You understand and accept there is no guarantee whatsoever that you will be issued or provided with a prescription for any medication and acknowledge that the issuing of any prescription is at the sole discretion of the Clinician, subject to the limitations applied by Psychiatry UK policies from time to time.

In most cases, we will seek your agreement to provide medication recommendations to your local primary care service, rather than prescribing to you ourselves. This will normally save you money, as well as allowing you access to local primary care support, if required.

You accept that if we provide you with prescriptions they will be private prescriptions unless otherwise stated during your consultation. We charge for a private prescription and you will also incur the cost of the medicine(s) prescribed. You acknowledge this price is set independently by the pharmacy and not by Psychiatry UK. The Patient is in no way obliged to get the prescribed medicine from a particular pharmacy.

Any prescription that you receive via Psychiatry UK is only valid for use at legal UK pharmacies. You understand and agree that any prescriptions you acquire from us are solely for your personal use. Furthermore, you agree to read all information provided to you carefully and to follow the instructions provided, on the prescription(s) itself (the label applied by the pharmacy) or otherwise, prior to taking any of the prescribed medicines. You also hereby agree to contact your Clinician, another doctor or a pharmacist if you have any questions or do not fully understand the reasons you have been prescribed any medication or the instructions related to the medication.

Psychiatry UK and its Clinicians are not responsible for any legal prescriptions provided to you that legal UK Pharmacies refuse to dispense. You accept that it remains an individual pharmacist’s right to refuse to fulfil any prescription and/or dispense medications when presented with a legal prescription. None of this affects your legal rights.

Should you choose to collect your own prescribed medication and have the prescription sent to your address, we shall make reasonable effort to send a prescription acceptable to a recognised pharmacy close to your address.

Should you choose to have us send a prescription directly to a pharmacy, we will use reasonable efforts to deliver the prescription to a legal pharmacy of your choice  but we are not connected with and have no control over or responsibility for any individual pharmacy, their policies in relation to acceptance or otherwise of prescriptions, opening hours, cost or availability of medicines prescribed.

The dispensing chemists are independent of our organisation and, to the extent permitted by law, we disclaim responsibility for their acts and omissions.

We will be unable to offer a private prescription to any Patient who has not given consent to share information with their GP. This includes your consent for Psychiatry UK to obtain a copy of your health summary.

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10 Delivery of prescriptions

If you lose a prescription, letter or sick note, a copy may be issued, subject to the prescribing Clinician agreeing to re-issue the document. There is no guarantee that a Clinician will agree to re-issue any document. In the event that the Clinician re-issues your lost prescription, letter or sick note you will be charged in accordance with the current cost for a copy. In order to request a prescription, letter or sick note previously issued via the system to be re-issued please contact us.

We will deliver it to the address (email or postal address) that you have provided in your account when booking. You accept that it is entirely your responsibility to ensure that the contact details you provide are accurate and up-to-date.

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11 Delivery by email

The cost of delivering your prescription, letter or sick note, once only, by email is included in the relevant administration fee, as shown in our Fees.

You understand and agree that documents sent by email are deemed to have been sent to you once the system marks the email containing the document as “sent”, including time and date stamping that prescription for Psychiatry UK’s records. Such records shall be accepted by you, without question, as proof that we have sent the document and fulfilled our obligation to provide the same.

You accept that Psychiatry UK is not responsible for the spam, junk or mail receipt prevention tactics of your email service provider/host, which may for whatever reason outside of Psychiatry UK’s control filter emails from us away from your inbox. In such instances you understand and accept that you must take such access issues up with your email provider and not Psychiatry-UK.

If you do not contact us and inform us of an issue, we will deem documents by email to have been received by you within twenty-four (24) hours of us marking them as sent.

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12 Delivery by first class post

The cost of delivering your document to a UK mainland address, once only, by Royal Mail first class post is included in the relevant administration fee you pay, as shown in our fees from time to time.

We send your documents as letters using Royal Mail first-class post (or equivalent) and we cannot and do not guarantee a delivery time. If you have not received your document within seven (7) working days of it being shown as sent in your account you should contact us.

If you do not contact us and inform us of an issue, we will deem documents sent by first-class post to have been received by you within forty-eight (48) hours of us marking them as sent.

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13 Electronic medical records (EMR)

Your EMR is created for you to document (by way of consultation with your clinician), store and access your personal health information online, including medical history, current health conditions, and medications etc, and for your Clinician to record the results of his or her medical encounters with you in accordance with his or her obligations under applicable UK law. Any information provided as part of a consultation (which may be made up of video, chat messages etc.) becomes part of your EMR when attached to the records by your Clinician. If you want a particular detail added to your EMR it is your responsibility to express this view to your Clinician whilst in consultation. For additional information regarding use of your EMR, please see our Privacy Policy.

It is your responsibility to confirm any information during a consultation with a clinician so as to ensure the accuracy of your Psychiatry UK EMR. Psychiatry UK is not responsible for maintaining a complete record of all data arising from use of the Services. Psychiatry UK reserves the right to maintain, process, review, delete or destroy all communications and materials posted or uploaded to the P-UK Platform pursuant to the Privacy Policy. Please note that your Clinician is obliged to use the information included in your EMR solely in accordance with their legal obligations including, without limitation, obtaining any consents or authorisations that may be required for your information to be shared with other participating providers. However, by requesting a consultation you agree to disclose the full contents of your EMR to the Clinician who will conduct your consultation.

If you would like a copy of your Psychiatry UK EMR please Contact Us.

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14 Consultations

Subject to availability, you can choose to book an appointment in advance. After you have requested an appointment you will be sent written confirmation of the appointment in the form of an email. If you do not receive such confirmation within 24 hours of requesting your appointment (or, if sooner, within 4 hours of the start of your intended appointment) please contact us to check we have received your booking request.

Psychiatry UK will advise you by email as soon as possible if it has to amend, change or cancel any consultation that you have booked.

You will be asked to show photo ID during a video consultation to enable our psychiatrists to confirm your identity before prescribing certain medication. ID we are able to accept:

– Current signed passport

– Residence permit issued by the Home Office

– EU or Swiss national identity photo-card

– Valid UK photo-card driving licence

– Valid armed or police forces photographic identity card

– Photographic disabled blue badge

– Citizen card

– Valid student ID with photograph

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15 Late arrival to appointment, cancellation of appointment and missed appointment

If you have booked a session in advance via the P-UK Platform, you may arrive and enter the consultation that you have booked up until fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled start time of that session. For example, if you have a 1 hour session booked at 3pm, you may arrive and start the consultation as late as 3.15pm, but no later.

If you choose to cancel your appointment giving seven (7) or more days’ notice, we will provide a full refund. If you request to cancel your appointment between two (2) and seven (7) days before the appointment, a 50% fee (of the invoice total) will be payable. If you request to cancel an appointment within 48 hours of appointment, the full invoice amount will be payable.

You may cancel any booking you have made via the P-UK Platform or by contacting us via email or telephone.  If your cancellation is successful you will receive an email from Psychiatry UK to that effect; if you do not receive the cancellation email then you must either try again or Contact Us. You accept that Psychiatry UK is not responsible and will accept no liability for any costs, expenses or losses arising from your failure properly to cancel any consultation on the P-UK Platform. You accept that failure to cancel an appointment may lead to you being charged a cancellation fee (see below) and/or the full fee for the appointment that you failed to cancel, subject to Psychiatry UK’s sole discretion.

We may terminate our agreement with you:

  • If for reasons outside our control, we are unable to provide the Services as detailed in these terms
  • If any fees or charges are not paid when due, and you still do not make payment within fourteen (14) days of us reminding you that payment is due on time
  • You do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the Services, for example valid contact details
  • If you breach (as determined by Psychiatry UK) any of these Terms and Conditions.

You must compensate us if you breach these Terms and Conditions. If this happens we may deduct from any refund due to you, or charge you, reasonable compensation for the net costs we will incur as a result of your breach. Psychiatry-UK will advise you of any termination via the contact email you have provided us with.

Missed appointments occur when either you or a Clinician is not present in the video-consultation by the start time (as published by Psychiatry UK on the P-UK Platform) of an appointment confirmed by Psychiatry UK (save that you may be up to nine (9) minutes late, as explained above)(Missed Appointment). In these instances you understand and agree that the following rules apply:

  1. a) If an appointment is cancelled with more than seven (7) days’ notice we will provide a full refund. If an appointment is cancelled between two (2) and seven (7) days before the appointment, a 50% fee (of the invoice total) will be payable. If an appointment is cancelled within 48 hours of appointment, the full invoice amount will be payable.
  2. b) If a Missed Appointment occurs because a Clinician did not attend your appointment in time then we will refund the charge.

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16 Refunds and Disruptions

If your consultation is determined by Psychiatry UK (at its sole discretion) to have been disrupted, which terms shall include but not be limited to Psychiatry UK’s suspension of the P-UK Platform at the time of the appointment, a Clinician ending an appointment at your request because you know them (Disrupted Consultation), Psychiatry UK will refund the appointment.

If you think you are due a refund, you must contact us as soon as possible providing details of the consultation and a full description in writing of the issue or concern you are raising.

We do not provide refunds where Psychiatry UK is not at fault, such as in the following circumstances (which is not an exhaustive list but an indication only):

  1. If you are unable to have a private prescription, legitimately and correctly provided via the P-UK Platform, fulfilled and/or the associated medication dispensed at a pharmacy of your choice for whatever reason.
  2. If your consultation is disrupted because of your actions, as determined by us exclusively. Where and when appropriate we will provide a refund and at our sole discretion.
  3. If you have missed a booked appointment, as determined by us exclusively. In this instance you will be charged the cancellation fee as described above.
  4. If a Clinician fails to attend your appointment, as determined by us exclusively, we will provide a refund.
  5. If you do not receive a prescription, referral letter or sick note as a result of a consultation via the P-UK Platform.
  6. If it took longer than the published waiting time on the P-UK Platform for your consultation to start.
  7. If you did not use all available minutes in any appointment that you have started.

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17  Circumstances beyond our control

Neither Psychiatry UK, nor its officers, employees or agents, shall be responsible if the supply of the Services is delayed or prevented by circumstances outside its control. If this happens we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay or failure. If there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to cancel your account and/or cancel any booked Services and receive a refund for any Services you have paid for but not received.

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18 Other Limitations to our services

We cannot guarantee the availability of any of our Clinicians at any particular time.  If at all possible, we will arrange a consultation with a Clinician as soon as possible but we cannot guarantee a consultation at a particular time.

You accept that each Clinician, at its sole discretion, creates prescriptions, letters etc. based on their own professional judgement and legal obligations and that the content of such items is individual, based on information you provide us with. You must not tamper with the content of any such items. You acknowledge that there is no guarantee or warranty by Psychiatry-UK that such items will contain the content you desire(d), hope(d) for, expect(ed), were informed of, understood or believed they would contain.

Clinicians may provide different clinical opinions on the same condition or set of symptoms. Provided that these opinions are reasonably held, the fact that two Clinicians give differing opinions on the same condition should not indicate a defective service.

We do not tolerate abuse or offensive behaviour towards Clinicians.

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19 Our use of your personal information

How we use your information

We only use your personal information as detailed in our Privacy Notice.

Any personal information that you give to us will be processed strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018/UK GDPR (as may be amended or superseded) and all other relevant privacy legislation.

The Privacy Policy must be read in conjunction with these Terms and Conditions and adhered to.  We will endeavour to keep the Privacy Policy updated at all times and notify you of any relevant changes.

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20 Recordings of consultations

There are many reasons that we advocate the recording of clinical consultations, not least to aid Psychiatry UK when conducting essential clinical quality audits, as well as for safeguarding and training purposes. There are also benefits to patients in having a recording of their clinical consultation, which include: 

  • Enabling patients to revisit important advice and guidance on the management of their health condition. 
  • Helping patients and their family members where patients may be experiencing memory loss or have some cognitive impairment. 
  • Including patients’ family members in their care and decision-making where necessary. 
  • Helping patients to remember if the information is particularly complex. 

At the start of the consultation, the Clinician will ask whether you are happy for the consultation to be recorded and obtain your explicit consent. If you do not wish the consultation to be recorded, you must ensure you clearly convey this to the Clinician, who will ensure the session is not recorded. To meet statutory requirements the Clinician is still required to maintain accurate records of the discussions held, which will inform your medical record held by Psychiatry UK. 

Where you have consented to the recording of the clinical consultation, the recording will inform your medical record and be stored in accordance with strict retention schedules. Only staff involved in your direct care will be permitted to access the recording and only for a proven need. 

Any patient who wishes to request a copy of their recording, must make a request following our formal Subject Access Request process, which strictly adheres to the rights of access as legislated under the Data Protection Act 2018/UK GDPR. Requests can be made via one of the following methods: 

  • By making a request via our safe and secure Subject Access Request Portal, accessed via the following link:
  • By sending an email to:, providing detail on what information you are requesting.  
  • By post to the following address: Psychiatry UK, Health Records Department, 3b Fore Street, Camelford, Cornwall PL32 9PG, providing detail on what information you are requesting. 
  • Verbally when engaged in a call with a member of our team. 
  • By using the ‘Ask Andi’ live chat

Please note: Due to the size of video recording files, requestors will receive an audio file in an MP3 file format.

For further information on the rights of access, please see our Data Protection Privacy Notice. 

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21 Price and payment

If for any reason you are unable to authorise payment for the Services in advance, you acknowledge that neither Psychiatry UK nor the Clinician shall be obliged to provide such services.

Any and all fees and charges incurred by a Patient via the P-UK Platform are the sole responsibility of the individual whose details are held under the account and must be pre-authorised prior to your receiving the Services and settled immediately after the services have been provided. Consultations may be curtailed or Services suspended if at any time there are outstanding payments.

Please familiarise yourself with Our Fees. We make an initial fee of £360 for all of our adult consultation services. This pays for up to an hour with a consultant psychiatrist and a resultant letter to you and/or your primary medical health provider (GP).

Initial appointments can be made via the website, or by ringing our admin service on 0330 124 1980.

After your initial appointment, you may need a follow up appointment. You will always be required to have a follow up appointment if the Clinician has prescribed medication for you.

The Clinician will then agree the follow up appointment time and date with you at the end of your consultation and you will receive an invoice for the appointment by email.

Follow up appointments cost £180 and take up to 30 minutes. A follow up letter is included in this fee.

All other appointments have to be made via our admin service on 0330 124 1980.

We provide an initial parent/guardian consultation for £200, prior to a consultation with any child or adolescent. This pays for up to 30 minutes with a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and a resultant letter to you and/or your primary medical health provider (GP). Any consultation with the child concerned and fees associated with this will be discussed in the consultation and set out in the letter.

We also provide 30-minute advice consultations for concerned relatives or friends to discuss third parties for whom they have concerns. These can only be made after discussion of the particular situation with our admin service and are at the discretion of the Clinician whom they approach. The fee for this service is £180. A summary letter is included in this fee.

The payment for any consultation is always payable prior to the appointment. If we do not receive payment before the time of the appointment, with funds cleared into our bank, the appointment will be cancelled or postponed.

Should there be a charge for extra time or for other items such as a private prescription, you will receive an invoice and be asked to make the payment via our admin service in advance.

If your appointment lasts longer than the allotted time, you will be liable for a charge of £6.00 per minute for the extra time taken. However, it is at the discretion of the Clinician as to whether they seek to collect this fee. The Clinician also has the discretion to charge for additional time spent (at the same rate per minute) where communication with you and/or reviewing notes etc. exceeds what is deemed reasonable.

You agree that any unpaid balance on your account shall become due within seven (7) days of notifying you of any such balance, after which date the balance shall bear daily interest at the rate of [3% per annum above [bank] lending rate from time to time. The reasonable costs of collection, including any Court costs and reasonable legal costs, may be added as principal amounts to any such balance. If you think any charge is wrong please contact us promptly to let us know and we will not charge you interest on any disputed amounts until we have resolved the issue.

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22 Complaints and Compliments

We are committed to providing safe and compassionate care and we welcome your views on the services and care provided by Psychiatry-UK.

We need to know what we are doing well, but also what we can do better, so that those things can be improved to best meet patients’ needs.

If you would like to make a compliment or complaint about any aspect of our service, please email:

You can also leave feedback about your experience of a consultation at the end of the appointment on the feedback screen which appears automatically when you next log in to your portal.

If you have a complaint, we may ask you for certain details about you and your complaint in order to address it. Please provide these as soon as possible so that we can handle your complaint quickly. Our Clinicians are registered healthcare professionals and will deal with any complaints appropriately as per our complaints policy which can be downloaded here.

We will investigate any complaint and keep you updated on the results of the investigation. We will also discuss the investigation with you. If we are in the wrong, we will apologise to you.

If the subject of your complaint is to do with the professional standards or behaviour of one of our Clinicians and we are unable to satisfy you that we have dealt with it appropriately, you can report your concerns or make a complaint to the GMC here.

If any disagreement between you and us arises in connection with these terms, we will attempt to resolve it by discussing it with you.

These Terms are governed by English law. This means that any dispute or claim arising out of it will be governed by English law and the courts in England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over it.

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23  Notices and Disclaimers

Medical Disclaimers: Psychiatry UK makes no representation or warranty as to the content of any treatment response from any Clinician. Clinicians are independent contractors and not employees of Psychiatry UK and any views expressed or advice provided by Clinicians are not necessarily endorsed by Psychiatry UK. You and your Clinician are solely responsible for all information provided and/or advice given via the P-UK Platform and the services.

Always seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any medical concerns – and before starting, stopping or modifying any treatment or medication.

Psychiatry UK does not guarantee that a video/chat/picture message consultation is the best course of accessing advice or indeed the appropriate course of treatment for your particular healthcare concern or medical issue. You agree to contact your Psychiatry UK consultant or your GP immediately should your condition change or your symptoms worsen (if you are not registered with a UK doctor you agree to contact your local walk-in centre or hospital for advice). If you require urgent care, you should contact your nearest emergency services centre immediately. Further advice for accessing support in an emergency or when Psychiatry UK is closed can be found on our website here.

Content Disclaimers: No information whatsoever or howsoever found on this website or the P-UK Platform, (other than advice provided by a clinician in a consultation) should be relied on as medical advice, professional or otherwise. Nothing contained on the P-UK Platform should be construed, directly or indirectly, as the practice of medicine by Psychiatry UK, which only arranges the service of connecting you to a Clinician.

Psychiatry-UK makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of articles and other material published on this website or the P-UK Platform and assumes no responsibility for any consequences relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based upon such material.

General Disclaimers: We do not guarantee that the P-UK Platform will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

You are responsible for configuring your information technology and computer programmes in order to access the services. You should use your own virus protection software.

You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the services through your internet connection are aware of and comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Psychiatry UK makes no representations or warranties about: the satisfaction of government regulations requiring disclosure of information on prescription drug products; or any treatment, action or application or preparation of medication based on information offered or provided through the Psychiatry UK P-UK platform or services.

Psychiatry UK does not endorse the promotions, products or services of any third parties, nor does it warrant or validate the accuracy of any third party advertisements, promotions, communications or other materials. Psychiatry UK does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information contained on any third party websites.

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24 Service Reliability and Warranties

Psychiatry UK makes no warranty that the P-UK Platform or the Services will meet your requirements or that the Services will be uninterrupted, 100% secure or error-free, or that defects, if any, will be corrected. Psychiatry UK is not responsible for transmission errors or any corruption or compromise of data carried over local or interchange telecommunication carriers.

Psychiatry UK will take all reasonable precautions to protect against failure of its equipment and software and will perform regular back-ups of all data stored. You acknowledge and agree that in the event restoration of data from backup is necessary, it may take several days to complete such restoration of data and resume operation of the P-UK Platform and/or the Services, in which circumstances any booked sessions may require re-arranging.

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25  Branding and creative material

The basis on which you use our services: The P-UK Platform

We own copyright and other intellectual property rights on the P-UK Platform/Website, for the our Services and their content, including the voice recordings of consultations (Psychiatry UK).

You are permitted to use our website, medical record and consultation system in order to receive our services. You can store it on your device and print copies of it for your personal use. You may communicate material containing Psychiatry UK to your GP or another medical practitioner. You are not permitted to copy, distribute or make any business use of Psychiatry UK. You must not remove or obscure any notices regarding Psychiatry UK.

The Psychiatry UK mark, logo and combined mark and logo are our trademarks of the Company or its affiliates in the United Kingdom. Other graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are trademarks of other businesses or our affiliates or Partners.

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26 No third party rights

Nobody else has any rights under these Terms and Conditions. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

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27  Other terms

Other provisions explaining how we may exercise our rights under these terms

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation, but we will always notify you in writing if this happens, and this will not affect your rights under these terms.

Our services are personalised and so you may only transfer your rights or obligations to another person if we agree to it.

Only you can enforce the agreement between you and us although as per section 5 a parent or a guardian may enforce the agreement on behalf of a person who is under 18.

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28 Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the P-UK Platform or the Services in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

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29 Severability

If a court finds part of these Terms and Conditions illegal for any reason, the rest will continue in force. Each of the clauses operates separately; if any court or relevant authority decides that any clause is unlawful, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect.

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30 Waiver

Even if we delay in enforcing any of these Terms and Conditions, we can still enforce them later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Terms and Conditions, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaching these Terms and Conditions, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not invoice you but we continue to provide the Services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.