Many fears are perfectly natural and understandable and do not interfere with our daily lives. However a phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent fear of an object or situation. It usually results in a rapid onset of fear. The affected person will go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, typically to a degree greater than the actual danger posed.
Dr Younus Saleem, MBBS MRCPsych
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There are three main types of phobias:
Social Phobia: a fear of social situations and the feeling of embarrassment and public humiliation
Agoraphobia: a fear of public places and open spaces, which can induce panic attacks
Specific phobias: For example Aviophobia which is a fear of flying or Emetophobia which is a fear of being sick.
Phobias can can be difficult for others to understand and can result in the person affected feeling very embarrassed and often delaying seeking treatment.
Treatment options of Phobias
The good news is that Phobias can be effectively treated. However you will need a trained psychiatrist to ensure treatment will provide long-term relief. You will require a thorough assessment as some phobias such as public speaking are often misdiagnosed.
In addition to personalised treatment, our psychiatrists can offer long term support for you and your loved ones while taking measures to alleviate symptoms of recurrent anxiety.