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About Rachel Elkin

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So far Rachel Elkin has created 59 blog entries.

World Alzheimer’s Day

By |2023-10-20T16:37:32+01:00October 20th, 2023|Adult Psychiatry, Aging at Home, Dementia/Memory Loss, Over 60s|

September was Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and the P-UK team came up with some creative ideas to raise both awareness and money for the Alzheimer’s Society. Fuelled by team spirit, caffeine, snacks, and the occasional nap, 11 of P-UK’s employees joined more

Proud of being Autistic! Autistic Pride Day 18th June

By |2023-06-16T15:52:03+01:00June 18th, 2023|Autism|

Did you know that today is Autistic Pride Day? Although June is most recognised for celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride, this isn’t the only Pride celebration to be found in June. Have you heard of ‘Autistic Pride?’ What is Autistic Pride? Autistic more

Update on ADHD titration service for our adult NHS patients

By |2023-04-02T22:39:21+01:00February 16th, 2023|ADHD|

The issue: long wait times between diagnosis and starting the titration process We want to update and reassure patients about changes to the titration service for our adult patients who are (or will be) receiving treatment for ADHD via the more

Let’s connect for Children’s Mental Health Week

By |2023-02-07T16:16:21+00:00February 7th, 2023|Autism, Child & Adolescent, Family|

The 2023 theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Let’s Connect’. Whilst connecting is believed to be a given, the limit of our connection is often in the form of instructions to get dressed, encouraging the brushing of teeth and more

Time to Talk: A guide to building resilience

By |2023-02-02T07:39:53+00:00February 2nd, 2023|Adult Psychiatry, Miscellaneous|

Last week the UK marked Parent Mental Health Day, an awareness event that was introduced in 2022 by Stem4, a charity that supports young people to build positive mental health. The campaign theme for this year was #BuildFamilyResilience and focused more

Understanding loneliness Part II: Breaking out of the cycle 

By |2023-01-24T15:49:19+00:00January 9th, 2023|Adult Psychiatry, Depression, Miscellaneous|

If you have read Part I of this article, you are hopefully feeling reassured that you are not alone. Loneliness is extremely prevalent and felt across all age groups. A US study found that as many as 80% of young more

Understanding loneliness Part I: Its impact

By |2023-01-24T15:49:18+00:00January 9th, 2023|Adult Psychiatry, Depression, Miscellaneous|

Whether we are young, elderly, or somewhere in the middle, loneliness is a feeling that we can all relate to.  But the way we experience it is very personal. It can be a fleeting feeling of distress, or a gnawing more

Getting to the root of social anxiety (social phobia) 

By |2023-01-24T15:49:14+00:00December 21st, 2022|Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety, Phobias|

Feeling nervous or anxious about meeting new people is common among many of us at some point in our lives, whether in a personal or professional context. Some of our worries may relate to a specific situation, such as public more

Movember: Changing the face of men’s health

By |2023-01-24T15:50:30+00:00November 30th, 2022|Adult Psychiatry, Miscellaneous|

The Movember movement is run by a charity that’s changing the face of men's health, focusing on mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Here at P-UK staff have been getting involved by growing, styling, and rocking moustaches more

What is ADHD?

By |2022-11-25T11:20:33+00:00November 25th, 2022|Resources|

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short, is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder in which the brain grows and works differently. The core symptoms of ADHD include issues with attention and/or issues with hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD also commonly has associated more

Workplace bullying: What is it? And how do we stop it?

By |2023-01-24T15:49:12+00:00November 20th, 2022|Miscellaneous|

“Workplace bullying - in any form - is bad for business. It destroys teamwork, commitment, and morale.” - Tony Morgan, Former Chief Executive, The Industrial Society. No-one should have to suffer bullying, yet many people do. Studies show it's a more

Higher or Lower? Why using functional labels to describe autism is problematic

By |2022-11-08T09:49:08+00:00November 8th, 2022|Autism|

As a recently diagnosed adult autistic person, I have had a good deal of time to reflect on the diagnostic process and what it really means to be autistic. This has involved a lot of research, finding and joining communities more

Eating disorders and muscularity concerns in boys and men

By |2022-10-31T15:23:53+00:00October 31st, 2022|Eating Disorders|

Johnny, a 16-year-old male wrestler, was referred to our eating disorders clinic. When asked about the “typical” disordered eating behaviors for weight loss --including fasting, restricting, vomiting, or diuretics -- he denied all of them. However, his parents reported that more

Women and ADHD: How menopause can affect women with ADHD

By |2023-01-27T12:41:41+00:00October 17th, 2022|ADHD, Menopause|

One of the persistent and unhelpful myths around ADHD is that it is a disorder of young males. There are clear differences in the rates of diagnosis of ADHD between males and females in childhood, with as many as nine more

What is neurodiversity? And what’s it got to do with OCD?

By |2023-01-24T15:49:10+00:00October 11th, 2022|OCD|

Around 85% of the UK’s population are ‘neurotypical’ and the other 15% are known as ‘neurodivergent’. But what does this mean? Neurotypical defines individuals with behavioural traits and brain function that are regarded as ‘normal’ in society, whereas neurodivergent refers more

The overlap between dyspraxia, dyslexia and ADHD

By |2023-01-09T15:23:57+00:00October 3rd, 2022|ADHD|

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short, is a disorder in which the brain develops differently. This leads to issues with attention and/or hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Alongside these ‘core’ symptoms of ADHD exist a range of co-existing conditions which more

What is ADHD?

By |2022-09-30T13:08:13+01:00October 1st, 2022|ADHD|

Today marks the beginning of ADHD Awareness Month .. but what actually is ADHD? Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short, is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder in which the brain grows and works differently. The core symptoms of ADHD include more

Some common mental health conditions in under-18s

By |2022-09-21T16:19:42+01:00September 21st, 2022|Child & Adolescent, Family|

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) The core features are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The definition relies on a list of nine features of inattention and nine features of hyperactivity/Impulsivity. Prevalence rates are debatable. A very old London study showed that, with a more

Can lowering stress levels really help prevent dementia?

By |2023-01-24T15:49:09+00:00September 6th, 2022|Aging at Home, Dementia/Memory Loss, Stress|

Medical research is identifying more and more ways people can help to prevent dementia, but can tackling stress have a positive impact?  The British Medical Journal’s Dementia UK report estimates that around 637,000 people in the UK have dementia. The more

What is a whole food, plant-based diet?

By |2022-08-10T15:57:43+01:00August 10th, 2022|Health and Lifestyle|

With nutritionists and health experts warning of the dangers of eating too much processed food, many people are turning towards a whole food, plant-based diet.   Not surprisingly, the whole food movement has become big business, with the US-based supermarket chain more

What is the evidence linking stress to dementia?

By |2023-01-24T15:49:07+00:00July 11th, 2022|Dementia/Memory Loss, Stress|

There are many risk factors associated with memory loss, but is there really enough evidence to show a link between stress and dementia? While research is still ongoing around the world, there is a growing consensus that chronic stress could more

Samaritans launches its Talk To Us campaign

By |2022-06-29T11:47:23+01:00July 4th, 2022|Adult Psychiatry, Depression|

Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? Could you recognise when someone is in need? Samaritans is challenging people across Britain and Ireland to become better listeners during its annual Talk To Us campaign. Throughout July, the charity more

Heard versus Depp: What does this case tell us about domestic abuse?

By |2022-06-09T12:27:36+01:00June 9th, 2022|Opinion, Safeguarding|

Domestic abuse isn’t something that occupies a great deal of time in the headlines, in print or broadcast media. However, that doesn’t apply to the Depp vs Heard case. These are not criminal proceedings; each of them brought civil actions more

Introducing Kamaljit Saggu – 1st Step Rehab Fitness and Support

By |2022-05-30T15:02:42+01:00June 13th, 2022|Health and Lifestyle|

Exercise is not just good for the heart, it can also play an important role in preventing dementia, depression and other mental health conditions. My name is Kam, and I set up 1st Step Rehab Fitness and Support to help more

How a healthy diet can lower the risk of dementia

By |2022-08-29T15:40:08+01:00May 30th, 2022|Aging at Home, Dementia/Memory Loss, Health and Lifestyle, Over 60s|

Everyone knows that adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can help prevent common diseases, but it also plays a big part in the risk of developing dementia. According to the World Health Organisation, more than 55 million people worldwide live more

Your online directory of health and medical treatment providers

By |2022-08-29T15:40:50+01:00May 23rd, 2022|Family, Health and Lifestyle|

Searching for a reputable health or medical treatment provider? Look no further than the HLP-U online directory. Here at Psychiatry-UK LLP, we believe that finding the right treatment should not be down to trial and error. Nor should it be more

Mental Health Awareness Week

By |2022-05-09T10:38:04+01:00May 9th, 2022|Adult Psychiatry, Depression, Miscellaneous|

If we’ve learnt anything from the last two years, it would likely be the fragility of our minds, and how major life changes or unexpected situations can sometimes send our mental wellbeing into a negative spiral. Suffering from mental health issues is more

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