GMC Number: 6041140
Dr Syed is an experienced Consultant Psychiatrist. As part of his core training in psychiatry, Dr Syed gained experience in various sub-specialities of psychiatry, including general adult psychiatry, learning disability psychiatry, rehabilitation psychiatry and forensic psychiatry.
He worked as a middle grade doctor in a crisis resolution and home treatment team before taking up higher training in the Charing Cross Higher psychiatric training scheme.
He is currently practising as a full-time NHS Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry.
He regularly manages patients with depression, anxiety, psychosis, PTSD and functional cognitive disorders. He has special experience in the diagnosis and management of all types of dementia, including rarer forms of dementias and dementia in younger people.
He has co-authored Trust guidelines regarding management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and regularly manages patients presenting with BPSD.
Dr Syed is the medical lead for older people’s psychiatric services and older people’s psychiatric liaison services. He chairs the Medical Staffing Committee in his Trust.
He was elected to the executive committee of the old age faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2022. Dr Syed is a clinical supervisor for GP trainees, an educational supervisor for psychiatric trainees and a medical appraiser.