GMC Number: 4005298

I am a GMC registered psychiatrist in private practice in a South African student town.

After qualifying as a doctor in 1991, I lived in Durham (UK) where I completed my specialist training in 2004 after becoming a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Upon my return to South Africa, I lectured at the Dept of Psychiatry of Stellenbosch​ ​University (2004 -2009) and worked in the private sector​ since ​2009.

I have also worked as a consultant psychiatrist in the NHS (UK) and HSE (Ireland), during the UK summers over the past few years.

My interest​​​ includes the areas of ADHD in adults, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and OCD.

South Africa is in a similar time zone as the UK, therefore I am able to offer flexible remote consultations locally and abroad in English and Afrikaans.

In addition to advising you and your GP about medication, I will supportive your recovery in a holistic way. A follow-up session may or may not be needed to complete your assessment, allowing time for reflection and a shared understanding.