GMC Number: 3490008
I graduated from Manchester University in 1991 and initially pursued a career in ENT (Otolaryngology) surgery.
I gained my FRCS (Glasg)-Fellowship in Surgery Exams and gained a research job in Cochlear implantation, but I decided at that point to train in psychiatry. I gained membership of The Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2003.
My higher training was a Dual training scheme (2005-2010) in General Adult and Forensic Psychiatry with Endorsement in Addictions Psychiatry.
Since September 2010 I have worked at Surehaven Glasgow, but also do three weekly sessions with Dumfries and Galloway NHS Trust (Midpark Hospital, covering Addictions, ADHD and Prison Psychiatry liaison.
I have also worked with Abbeycare Scotland as their Clinical lead, providing consultation and clinical advice, and Novacare Rehabilitation.
Over the years, I have gained extensive experience in Intellectual Disabilities, as well as General and Forensic and Addictions Psychiatry.
I have a professional interest in Adult ADHD and am part of the UKAAN (UK Adult ADHD Network).