GMC Number: 6038672

Dr Sourabh Singh has worked in the mental health services for 19 years, which include 10 years of experience as a consultant psychiatrist in both the National Health Service as well as the independent sector. 

Dr Singh completed his basic specialist training in psychiatry, became a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2007 and pursued further training as senior registrar after that. He completed an MSc in psychiatry research at the University of Manchester in 2011.

He has experience in various disciplines of psychiatry by working in inpatient units, liaison psychiatry, community mental health and prison psychiatry. He achieved his specialist recognition from the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2013 in general adult psychiatry. His special interest areas are forensic and community psychiatry.

Throughout his medical career Dr Singh has been responsible for assessing, prescribing and monitoring thousands of ADHD patients. His knowledge and skills include assessment and treatment for most of the mental disorders, which include ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, complex PTSD, personality disorders, depression, psychosis, bipolar affective disorders and schizophrenia. 

Dr Singh has won several clinical excellence awards for going above and beyond what is required in his role as well as for innovative ideas to develop services for young men and women suffering from mental health problems. He has led and presented audits, research and quality improvement projects at national as well as international conferences. These include:

  • Antipsychotic prescribing preferences of Consultant Psychiatrists in Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust (Presented at the Faculty conference in Vienna, 2019)
  • Two years audit cycle to reduce delays in hospital admissions for prisoners who suffer from severe mental disorders (2019-2020)
  • Quality Improvement project by having a multi-disciplinary team clinic to optimise CNS suppressant medication in Kent Prisons (2018- 2022). This is an ongoing project.

Dr Singh also has additional managerial responsibility along with his clinical role as the Associate Clinical Director for the 7 Kent prisons in the Prisons and Forensic Directorate of Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. He is directly responsible for the quality of psychiatric and primary healthcare services across all the 7 Kent prisons. He provides supervision and clinical leadership to the multi-disciplinary clinical teams several other consultant psychiatrists as well as a General Practitioners across Kent Prisons. It is his responsibility to collate and present clinical quality data to the senior management and NHS England. He works proactively to analyse service gaps, complaints, quality breaches- and other data to implement effective strategies to improve the healthcare services.


  1. Singh SM et al 2016; Cross-sectional comparison of first-generation antipsychotic long-acting injections vs risperidone long-acting injection. Therapeutic advances in Psychopharmacology Vol 6, no 3, pgs 162-171