GMC Number: 5206563
After completing MBBS in 1997, I completed 2 years Diploma in Psychological medicine from Bombay in 2000.
I became member of Royal College of Psychiatry in 2005 and have dual Certificate of Completion of Training in General adult and Old age psychiatry in 2012.
I have been working as consultant in old age psychiatry consultant in NHS since 2012 in different settings including community settings , inpatient hospital service and liaison services. I provide specialist assessments and management for dementias and other organic conditions, depression, delirium, psychosis, substance misuse and other conditions in older adults.
I have also worked in private sector as a consultant in adult psychiatry in a locked rehab female inpatient unit with complex patients having multiple diagnoses including Autism spectrum disorder, Emotionally unstable personality disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Bipolar affective disorder, substance misuse and psychotic illnesses .
Having worked in adult and old age mental health services since last 22 years, I have sound knowledge and experience in the field of psychiatry.
I am an Approved clinician in England and have experience in Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, and their interface.
I am approved under section 12(2)of Mental Health Act and provide medical opinions at Mental Health Act assessments
I am a mental health assessor and undertake mental health assessments and capacity assessments for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
I have done Masters in Risk management in Health and Social care and work towards improving patient experience in mental health services, improvement in quality of care delivery and risk management in mental health services. I have done research in falls in older adults and use of high dose antipsychotic drugs in community mental health service. I have completed several audits and service improvement projects.
I aspire to reduce stigma regarding mental health issues through raising awareness and education about mental illness during each contact with service users and carers.
My interest include innovations and creativity in mental health care pathways to deliver service that are safe and sustainable e.g. Online psychiatry assessment platforms and specialist distant consultation services.