This page was last updated on: 29/05/2024

Our current wait time for Adult ADHD is approximately 7-10 months* between initial assessment and the start of titration.

However, please note this is DEPENDENT on stock availability and medication shortages.

We are aware of concerns that some patients are being provided titration by their consultant, and therefore do not have to wait to commence treatment with our titration service.

Whilst this is not a standard provision of our service model of care, some consultants are able to provide ad-hoc titration to a patient they have assessed, if they have capacity at that time. Whilst we realise that this may seem unfair, and may be frustrating for patients who are not provided with this option, it is not a standard and only occurs in a tiny minority of cases.

This process can help to reduce overall wait times in the main titration waiting list, as it means that some patients do not have wait for prescriber availability, and so we believe it is an acceptable variation to our usual processes.

Child & Adolescent ADHD

Our current wait time for Child & Adolescent ADHD is approximately 5 weeks between initial assessment and the start of titration.

We have experienced a dramatic increase in the number of people seeking treatment for ADHD under their NHS Right to Choose and we receive approximately 150 referrals a day. Due to the popularity of this service we have had to introduce a waiting list for Adult ADHD assessments, which we are working hard to reduce.

Furthermore, if you subsequently receive a diagnosis of ADHD, there will be a delay between your initial assessment and for your titration to start along with your first prescription for medication.

We continue to actively recruit prescribers and over the past 12 months, the prescribing team has gone from 10 to 60 staff, reducing the wait time for treatment by 50%. Our prescribers are working as hard as they can to meet your titration/prescription needs – please bear with them.

Our fees

Since our fees are the same for our NHS contracts and for private patients waiting times are the same for private and NHS patients. England residents can potentially access NHS funding via their Right to Choose


Due to continuing and ever-growing high demand for the titration service, we have made the decision to temporarily decline any and all requests for prioritisation/expedition, with effect from Monday 17th October 2022. This is because such requests impact on all of our patients who are waiting to receive our service. Many patients must wait longer than we are happy with because we have a high number of patients being expedited. 

Our decision ensures our team focus on the important job of providing care to all our patients and continue to work hard on continuing to grow the titration team capacity and allow us to see all patients within a shorter timescale. All of our patients’ needs are important and we remain committed to offering a good quality, timely service which remains quicker to access than many UK ADHD services. We regularly update our waiting times on this website.

*If your clinician has ordered further medical investigations, such as an ECG or bloods, the wait can be longer.